8 Tips for Crafting a Winning Subject Line for Your Email Pitch

The post 8 Tips for Crafting a Winning Subject Line for Your Email Pitch appeared first on ProBlogger.

Creating effective subject lines for your email pitch can be the difference between success and failure. Crafting a compelling subject line will increase the likelihood that your message is opened and read, making it essential to ensure that your emails stand out in the recipient’s inbox. Subject lines should be concise, informative, and attention-grabbing – but ultimately, they must relate to your overall message while still being unique enough to draw the reader in. With the right combination of words, you can boost open rates and ensure that your pitch has a chance of success!

In this blog, we’ll explore what makes a good email subject line and give tips on creating winning ones for your pitches. 


1. Keep it short and sweet – the subject line should be no more than 50 characters

Pitching a winning email subject line should be a breeze with the right approach. Keeping your message nice and simple by limiting it to 50 characters or less may give you the edge over other pitching emails. The shorter subject line can be a more effective way to quickly grab attention, instead of running the risk of name fatigue when sentences start to become too long. It’s clear then that those snippets are essential for capturing the interest of potential clients. Get creative, while adhering to that 50-character limit – it could be the difference between being overlooked or landing your next great opportunity.


2. Get to the point – make sure the subject line accurately reflects the content of the email

Crafting an effective email subject line is key to getting your pitch across. It’s important that the wording of the subject line matches up with the content of the email, giving a concise and accurate description of what’s inside. Instead of leaving it open-ended or overly vague, try to make it as straightforward as possible, so you get right to the point in one hit. That way, your reader knows exactly what they are opening and why they should be interested. When in doubt, ask yourself: ‘if I saw this subject line, would I bother to click?’ If the answer is yes – great! You’re on your way to successful emails.


3. Get Creative – Use puns and emojis

Using puns and emojis in your email subject lines is a great way to get creative, stand out from the crowd, and capture the attention of the recipient. Puns can add humour to your message and create an instant connection with the reader. Emojis are effective at conveying emotion and eliciting a response from the reader, while also helping make your subject line more eye-catching than other emails in their inbox. So don’t be afraid to be a bit silly and experiment with unique combinations of words and emojis that grab the attention of your readers!


4. Use active voice – avoid passive constructions that can sound boring or confusing

When creating a winning email subject line, using active voice is key. Active pitch sentences get straight to the point, grabbing readers’ attention with clarity. Instead of using passive constructions that can sound boring or confusing, craft your pitch sentences in an active voice to give them punch and energy – after all, you are trying to win! Active pitch sentences make it easier for readers to understand what you are offering and why they should care. Take some time to focus on crafting your pitch sentence with an active voice; it will be worth it!


5. Be specific – generalities will likely get your email lost in the shuffle 

Writing generic subject lines is a surefire way of ensuring your emails get lost in the shuffle. A great way to stand out and capture the attention of your target audience is to get specific with the topics you discuss in your email subject lines. Whether you are running an advertising campaign or pitching an idea, using concrete facts and well chosen details can be the difference between success and failure. For example, if launching a new product, opt for something more than ‘Come check us out’ – try something that directly calls out what makes your brand stand apart from the competition. With carefully crafted email subjects, you can make sure your message gets through.


6. Use keywords wisely – choose words that are likely to catch someone’s attention

Getting bogged down in the technical aspects of crafting a killer email subject line is easy. Don’t forget, though – your chosen words greatly impact whether someone opens and reads your email. Use specific keywords that are sure to draw attention and interest. Keep them relevant to whatever you’re sharing: if you’re discussing a new product launch, use buzzwords like “launch,” “unveil,” and “spark curiosity.” The words you choose can take an ordinary subject line and make it stand out – so invest some time in picking the right ones!


7. Test, test, test – try out different subject lines and see which ones get the most responses

Crafting the perfect email subject line is a challenging yet vital task if you’re looking to get an optimal response rate on emails sent out. While knowing your target audience is a great start, the only way to confidently make decisions about what words and phrases work best for that customer or client is to test them out! It’s not just about guessing what kind of language they’ll respond well to; it’s about actually measuring results and seeing which subject lines foster higher click-through rates. After you’ve surveyed the data – this could be done via A/B testing with two similarly crafted emails – you’ll be able to establish what works best. That way you can spend less time trying out subject lines and more time engaging with the responding people.


8. What has worked for you before? – Reusing previously successful subject lines

 Reusing successful subject lines can be a great way to quickly create content and maximize your reach. If a particular subject line worked well for you previously, it’s likely that it will resonate with readers again. When reusing subject lines keep in mind the relevancy of the message to the target audience. Additionally, pay close attention to the wording and any changes made so that your message still stands out. A little tweak to the language or creative use of words can make all the difference in having a successful email campaign!


Creating an effective email subject line can mean the difference between someone opening your email or sending it straight to trash. Following the tips above can increase your chances of getting your email opened and read. And don’t forget to test different subject lines to see what works best for you and your audience.


Not sure which email service provider to use for creating your winning subject lines? Check out our email service comparison article.

At ProBlogger, we do all of the above and then run our email subject line through CoSchedule’s Headline Studio to get a score and actionable suggestions that tell you EXACTLY how to improve your subject lines. The example below shows how useful this analysis tool is.


This guest post is written by Hannah Walters a freelance writer covering multiple topic areas (“content ‘n’ coffee”!). Hannah previously worked in house as a content writer for an optical company before making the move to freelance.

For freelance writing work, please check out problogger.com/jobs/

The post 8 Tips for Crafting a Winning Subject Line for Your Email Pitch appeared first on ProBlogger.


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